5 Common Myths About Solar Panels
MYTH 1: SOLAR TECHNOLOGY KEEPS ADVANCING, SO I SHOULD WAIT. Fact: Solar panels are not like a computer. Although the media continuously hypes new technologies, it is important to know that we have been using the same solar technology since the 1960's. Due to the fact that solar has become only slightly more efficient over the years, the time to become a solar homeowner is right now. With this consistent solar technology, a 30 percent federal solar tax credit, and many state incentive programs, there is no better time, like the present. Arizona Public Service will be ending their tax incentive program in 2016, so you definitely want to want to take advantage of that before it ends.MYTH 2: SOLAR ONLY WORKS IN A "SUNNY" CLIMATE. Fact: Solar panels work just fine in a cooler, cloudy or even foggy climate. They can actually be more efficient when in cooler temperatures. For a little perspective, consider this; Germany is currently a world leader in residential solar usage having much less sunlight on average than let's say, Arizona. According to the Washington Post, 15 of the 20 largest solar power plants in the world are located in Germany, and the country continues to invest in new solar technology.MYTH 3: YOU CAN STORE ANY EXCESS SOLAR ENERGY GENERATED IN BATTERIES. Fact: Batteries "can" be used for storing excess energy, but they are large and expensive with the life expectancy of only 5 to 10 years, creating an added expense and waste. Most solar panel systems are grid tied, connecting them to a conventional electrical grid. As your system generates power throughout the day, the energy that you don't use for your home is then fed back into the grid system which is called net metering. This in turns spins your meter backwards and your local utility company will credit you for any additional energy that you do not use. This is not only convenient, it is more economical.MYTH 4: SOLAR PANELS REQUIRE EXTENSIVE MAINTENANCE. Fact: Solar Panels do not have any moving parts; therefore they require no regular maintenance. Most solar homeowners choose to let the rain do the cleaning for them, which has proven to be effective. If you have any large debris in the solar panels it is best to remove it as soon as possible. There is now solar monitoring software that knows when your system is not operating at its optimal capacity. This makes it very easy and convenient to make sure you are getting the most efficiency from you solar panels without the worry.MYTH 5: SOLAR PANELS CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO MY ROOF. Fact: Solar Panel can actually help preserve the life of your home by protecting the area of your roof they are installed on. The panels are installed on a mounting system, so they are not attached directly to your roof. This is very convenient if the situation may arise that you have a problem with your roof. Panels can then be easily removed for maintenance or repairs. It is best to make any necessary repairs to your roof prior to installing new solar panels. The post 5 Common Myths About Solar Panels appeared first on www.pursolaraz.com.
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