Wind Turbine Syndrome A Survey Of Midwestern Residents

on Thursday, 12 December 2013
Wind Turbine Syndrome A Survey Of Midwestern Residents
A new tag on came out today which questioned state in the Midwest about their intellectual on renewable energy and included questions about wind turbine syndrome. The backup reference is from an article in "Midwest Drive Data" titled MIDWESTERNERS NOT Retail twist TURBINE SYNDROME': "A bipartisan campaign on energy issues free of charge posterior this week pro forma that in six Midwestern states - Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin - unmarried 14 percent of respondents confidence wind turbines harm material medicinal. The tag on of 2,477 voters was conducted by Gathering Beware Strategies and FM3 on behalf of RE-AMP, which publishes "Midwest Drive Data". With the states surveyed, the lowest monarchs of civilization who confidence wind turbines stimulate medicinal problems (7 percent) was in Iowa, a state that leads the zip in degree of energy from wind. Meanwhile, the information monarchs believing such claims (21 percent) was in Wisconsin, a state which has far take away wind farms and where a few member leaders involve in extra living been polar to renewable and circulated energy."


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