Building Cheap Solar Panels Helpful Tips To Get Started
How easy is it to find build your own solar energy system? Extremely easy. Here's why. Whether it's solar cells or hot water solar heating, systems can be built a lot simpler than you probably realise. Take for example the heating of a swimming pool. You can heat it by laying a long (the longer the better) length of hosepipe out in the sun, and slowly running water through it into the pool. You will be absolutely amazed at the rise in temperature of the water exiting the hosepipe. Depending on the size of your pool, the length of hose and the outside temperature, this can make a tremendous difference to the pool. Of course, that is about the simplest method imaginable, but extremely effective. The next step up from this method would be to use the pools own pump to circulate the water through the hose. You can use the trial and error method, but the rule of thumb is that more water circulating and heating up less is more efficient than the water circulating much slower but with the time to heat up more. For sure, the absolute rule is that the more hose you can use the better. The reason is that there's more surface area for the suns rays to do it's work. This is even more important on not so sunny days. With sufficient lengths of hosepiping (solar treated piping is best) even cloudy days will result in substantial temperature increases in the circulating water. This couldn't be easier. As for costDIY systems can be built for much less than you can imagine. Take the example above. The cost of a hose pipe will provide a simple system. More substantial, effective solar panels used to create electricity can be made for under 300 It's very cheap, and very simple to Build Your Own Solar Heating Systembut very effective. Click below on FREE HOME ENERGY to find out a bit more information.
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