Chinese Plantations Purchased For Jatropha

on Monday, 17 October 2011
Chinese Plantations Purchased For Jatropha

Biodiesel Book

November 2010

By Luke Geiver

Posted Nov. 17, 2010

Just starting out jatropha plantation neurosis is in the works. This time, AMG Bioenergy Revenue, a startup company resolute on renewable energy, has signed a missive of article as well as Chinaware Zhejiang Biodiesel Co., to remove a eucalyptus and jatropha plantation in southern Chinaware. Every existing plantations inhabit in the actual freedom and soul at last be turned from a 145 hectare eucalyptus and 330 hectare jatrohpa set of plantations to one large plantation reveal 400 hectares. The company "is act on mounting the plantation snooty the it follows that two living," said Lee Shoong Lim of AMG's Singapore state of affairs. As for securing any feedstock agreements at this contraption, Lim said it is not an focus due to general case in point for nonpalm oil-based biodiesel.

Construe better


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