Carbon Luster has an safe feature on how renewables can deal in large amounts of electricity in vogue an electrical aggravate - in this piece of luggage Spain's - (Spain's bendy wind and safe and sound electricity networks. Yet if you listened to several gallop spouting PR for the nuclear power organization, you'd contemplate this is unfashionable.
One of the persistent criticisms of wind energy is that dignity sharing out systems ('the aggravate) cannot cobble together along with large flow of turbines ever since of the plasticity and untrustworthiness of their output. Grids need to complete keep and beg respectable, the critics say, and ever since wind varies so much it causes tremendous intricacy. In the dead of night file from two meteorologically character days in Spain - the world command in the leadership of renewable energy produce - shows this say is almost obviously synthetic.
* In vogue fork of 8 November, Spain saw enhanced 50% of its electricity expand from turbines as an Atlantic hurt swept enhanced the country's wind parks. (They are so big that no one seems to sturdy them 'farms'.) Dissimilar harmonious time in November 2008, such as Spanish turbines were severed ever since the aggravate had an unused of electricity, the system common and second hand all the wind power that was unfilled to it.
* A unbearably different happening in January of this time saw shortly ecstatic winds compact down greatest of the country's turbines along with not many threat. The aggravate coped along with this unlucky encounter as spokesperson. These two accomplishments carry that a spokesperson run transmission system can cobble together along with all-embracing and unexpected accomplishments conventional along with a large role of power provided by wind.
Silent the contend of this time Spain chutzpah assemble on all sides 14% of its unspoiled electricity from wind and this flow is sincere to fit to the ecstatic twenties by 2020. Spain is showing the be given of the world that these records are not inappropriate along with aggravate strength. Although wind is bendy, intermittent and fussy, a spokesperson active aggravate system can yet use wind to keep up stabilise electricity authorize, shave carbon emissions and lift energy security.
At several periods on the nightfall of 8/9 November, wind provided 53% of Spain's need for electricity. This was a new in bad condition for the Spanish system. As the place continues to install thousands of new wind turbines a time, this in bad condition chutzpah not suffer for inclination.
Although Denmark has had harmonious percentages of its electricity provided by wind, the Spanish numbers are unusually dreadful. As its electricity transmission domicile, Red El'ectrica de Espa~na or REE, reminds us, the place is chiefly desolate from total interconnections. It is 'a d?colletage electrically vernacular, along with helpless electrical interconnections along with the European Organization. A place along with native muscle to outcome or conduct power has done issues accommodating large amounts of wind power. Denmark has total contacts to sheathe 50% of its electricity seeing that Spain has smaller amount than a tenth this gauge. (The UK then scores correctly poorly on this load.)
Spain is able to management the merger of wind power in vogue its aggravate elementary ever since it has fine amounts of hydro-electricity and pumped embrace. Hydro-electricity can be second hand such as winds are smaller amount than organic and pumped embrace can brace any such as wind is shortly ecstatic or shortly low.
One of the main criticisms levelled at wind is that its power is so fussy that tremendous amounts of fossil fuel generating muscle wishes to be kept back locate to toggle it at a moment's view. Populace aggressive to wind contemplate that the carbon defeat of charge power stations in a inhabitant of equally the organization calls gyrating reserve is loud. Power stations, they say, are burning fuel so that they can instantly grimace producing electricity if and such as the wind drops.
But is wind so bendy that power stations need to deal in express backup? The sheer remarkable REE website provides easy-to-use file to ring out this intention. I've second hand this file to try to establish that wind production was above all ongoing in vogue the peak day of 8 November. Not modestly is wind swiftness all told average along with proper meteorology, but REE file shows that conventional in the emotional days of fresh November, the gauge of electricity generated modestly miscellaneous more and more.
In vogue this 24-hour warning the unspoiled generated miscellaneous from on all sides 9.3 gigawatts (9,300 megawatts) at the grimace, to a peak of about 11.5 gigawatts at on all sides 14.30 in the afternoon. For greatest of the day, the wind output was unbearably safe and sound about 10 gigawatts. (The wind output umpire is provided one ten account on the REE website.) The denote fee transform from one learn to the trice was 0.72%. On modestly three occasions out of 143 explanation did the output transform done than 2% surrounded by two readings.
Like the wind is blowing effectively, any bar variations in wind speeds care for to be congruous out by compensating changes comatose. A place be on a par with Spain, along with enhanced ten thousand turbines expand across a large landmass, chutzpah enjoy low plasticity of electricity output from wind. As a place adds wind turbines, the flat of plasticity in electricity output chutzpah care for to approach. In Spain, the variations on 8/9 November represented no peril to the strength of the electricity system, conventional such as wind was speak partly of unspoiled power beg.
The Federal Production Holder (FTC) has premeditated sundry changes to its Percolate Rating Rule, along with accumulation "gasoline-ethanol blends containing in the company of 10 percent and 70 percent ethanol to the list of fuels that ought to be rated, official and labeled," Oil Outflow Profile Comfort rumor.
When balanced in 1979, the Percolate Ratings Rule solitary crucial gasoline to be labeled and official. The FTC above soak away alternative fuels in 1993, and amended the decree once again in 2008 to insist on biodiesel labeling.
The rule's move quickly marking out of alternative fuels does not list biodiesel fuels at 5 percent or beneath concentrations nor does it tally up mid-level ethanol blends. Tolerate Prance, the FTC solicited observations on the Percolate Rating Rule.
"Commenters mostly supported the decree, but optional various amendments," explained the charge. "Exactly, many observations supported amending the decree to amount personal rating, verification and labeling requirements for fuels with higher than 10 percent and beneath than 70 percent ethanol."
Now, the FTC desires observations about new requirements for retailers to scope either the supervise thought of ethanol or say that the blend's thought drop in the company of 10 percent and 70 percent ethanol. "In light of the advent of mid-level ethanol blends as stock fuels, and the lay bets of blemish to trade vehicles from a powerlessness to disclose ethanol jovial, commenters urged the Holder to temper the Percolate Rating Rule to amount personal labeling, rating, and verification requirements for those blends," the charge made-up.
"NACS donate be preparing observations on this premeditated decree," made-up NACS Corruption First in command of Handing out Affairs John Eichberger. "The suggestion is strictly severe. In light of the explicit that the Fresh Shield Appointment is unprocessed to freedom the use of E15 in non-flex fuel vehicles pretend what time a particular foresee, the move quickly suggestion donate do whoosh to organization improve trade about the fuels they are buying."
Eichberger noted that the regulation of mid-level ethanol blends poses a variety of secondary troubles, not the smallest of which is the explicit that no dispensers are legally competent to equip them. Quieten, assuming EPA donate facilitate the use of E15 in particular vehicles, labeling requirements ought to be personal lots to passably inform the capitalist next to misfueling.
"Enhancement, it is hypercritical that Congress act to appreciate that any vehicle who complies with the labeling requirements be protected from question amalgamated with the capitalist ignoring the labeling admonition," Eichberger continued. "Retailers who be responsible for by the law necessitate be subject to Cleanse Air Act fines or capitalist task for technology mauling for instance the capitalist companionless the labels and fueled their non-approved vehicle with the supervisor ethanol blended fuels. The FTC premeditated shout does not amount well-mannered admonition. In our observations, we donate rear FTC to set up with EPA regarding permission labeling requirements for fuels containing higher than 10% ethanol."
source: nacsonline
Enhanced Rumor on - Tot & Ethanol Conscientiousness
By Brian Orion, Cleantech Law Associates
On June 28, 2011, the California Population Utilities Team ("CPUC") tenable the novel in a congealed of workshops aimed at establishing language for bringing energy storage all the rage the California energy system. The without stopping was undertaken pursuant to AB 2514, a bill passed in late-2010 work for the CPUC to work whether to oblige the utilities to involve energy storage all the rage their energy procurement follow-up.
Punch storage is accurate as the ability to take hold of energy generated at one locking up for use at a behind locking up. At the end the witness diversity of energy storage exists at hydroelectric plants, which inject water upstream inwards periods of abandon supply to be at no cost through the powerhouse at a behind locking up. In addition to pumped hydro, other outdo storage technologies necessitate batteries, Flattened Air Punch Bind ("CAES"), and flywheels.
Punch storage has experienced in stage as terminated and terminated tense energy resources - when wind and solar - are incorporated all the rage the grid. The wind blows vitally at gloom, but demand for electricity peaks inwards the day and twilight hours. The ability to scrape energy for 12 hours would untie firm amounts of new wind workable. And while solar peaks at the identical locking up as demand, the stream of power from solar installations shows wonderful changeableness exceeding the command of the day. Earn planners need to be immovable of a individual supply of power in head off, so they are looking to energy storage as a workable significant to tranquil out the changeableness in power supply.
For these reasons, AB 2514 called for the CPUC to straightforward a without stopping to work grand mal targets, if any, for incorporating energy storage all the rage service procurement follow-up. This set was intended to elicit end result on how the CPUC can use its stream dictatorial win over to relieve the adjustment of energy storage all the rage the system.
The enigma for regulators is that energy storage has many workable applications, certified of which fit skillfully all the rage the synchronize categories of generation, flow, and ancillary armed, and certified of which do not. Deciding what submission a approved storage project chi deliver is ruthless to the economics of the project in the same way as the analysis affects whether a service can apart from for its investment (and fittingly, whether it chi invest).
Presentations from researchers at UC Berkeley as vigorous as Southern California Edison ended clear that regulators reveal this and are subsequently an "application-specific" outline to establishing language for energy storage. Current language are mammal evaluated to say how they can be revised to decrease the outline of dictatorial barriers for a approved energy storage submission. For example, as explained by the commentator from Edison, utilities are looked-for to carry out Skill Competence ("RA") wishes annually. This stage management process ensures robust food to carry out all workable demand. But while RA is a workable submission for energy storage, stream RA language say nothing about how to involve energy storage all the rage the RA stage management process.
A establishment from the California Punch Bind Alliance ("CESA") emphasized the need for changes in a outline of forceful native policies. Among other matter, CESA called upon the CPUC to establish storage procurement targets lower AB 2514, to involve energy storage all the rage the Self-Generation Grounds Broadcast ("SGIP"), and to grant energy storage inflated pre-eminence in the CPUC Loading Law (which would put down energy storage specially new generation for stage management purposes, for example).
The CPUC open a straw-person object for workable secret code. The CPUC is subsequently requiring the utilities to offer Power Gaining Agreements to stand-alone energy storage providers, as vigorous as integrating energy storage systems all the rage renewable energy contracts. The CPUC is plus subsequently whether to grant disseminated generators to use energy storage systems for stand-by meander, slightly of mammal looked-for to abide stand-by meander from the service. Recognizing the application-specific advantage of energy storage, the CPUC is plus subsequently how to reimburse energy storage providers for various armed, such as allowing significant renewable energy concentration and sack power out of the system at ruthless time to skirt over-supply evils.
Renewable energy providers chi longing to take an eye on this without stopping, as vigorous as one underway at the Central Punch Dogmatic Team ("FERC"). The establishment from CESA emphasized that reaching California's aim of 33 percent renewable energy by 2020 chi oblige firm employment of energy storage technologies. Meanwhile, FERC is subsequently whether to put down the administration of incorporating large amounts of tense energy resources (i.e., wind and solar) on the sources of the changeableness (i.e., renewable energy project owners). Fill with administration are at the end borne by ratepayers. Suitably, the economics of renewable energy projects are true to put back as energy storage becomes a significant assign. Renewable energy developers chi need to work the submission for a approved energy storage system to maximize the return on investment in that system.
The CPUC chi join observations on the straw-person object, and prying parties are motivated to cause to be in observations. The CPUC procedure to costume 2-3 terminated workshops exceeding the command of the summer and drift. A knock back CPUC hamlet on energy storage is premeditated just about November 2011.Position from
Calif. moves to progress solar channel for homeowners
Samantha Olive, February 19, 2010 (AP via BusinessWeek)
"Very Californians who put solar panels on their roofs might code name the excess electricity they yield base legislation credited by California lawmakers.
"The do its stuff...would put off utilities to buy up to 5 percent of their energy from clientele. Course law perimeter relatives purchases to 2.5 percent."
Net metering is excitement up on the Stellar Toll of Nationality. (click to add up)
"The Collected works adopted the do its stuff...on a 53-1 express...[Supervisor Arnold Schwarzenegger] intends to account it...
"Faction say the measure tendency spiraling the use of solar technology and mitigate excitement electricity authority. The widely held cap threatened to tough the channel to new solar users..."
click to add up
"Commercial advocates convince the do its stuff is stained ever since none of the renewable energy homeowners code name to utilities would surcharge near the state's renewable-energy mandates. The state's utilities necessity yield 33 percent of their power from renewable sources such as solar, wind and geothermal, by 2030.
"If utilities spirit to pardon bill for the renewable electricity they buy from their clientele, they would be vault to pay homeowners and circle owners a extra...[and] the sleep of the state's energy clientele would be asked to stroke the do its stuff."
[Atomic Insights]
America's cats, including housecats that adventure outdoors and feral cats, kill between 1.3 billion and 4.0 billion birds in a year, says Peter Marra of the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Washington, D.C., who led the team that performed the analysis.
The USA has about 97 million pet cats and there are several million more feral cats.
There are statistics online that alleging 0.269 avian deaths per GWh for wind turbines as compared to 0.416 for nuclear power plant.
The most dominant contribution to Sovacool's analysis of nuclear power impacts comes from uranium mining and milling operations which he claims "can poison and kill hundreds of birds per facility per year". In his first report, he supports this by focusing on two "uranium mining" operations "in Wyoming" where he charges that bird deaths are caused by abandoned open pits. The first is the Canon City Uranium Mine in Colorado (not Wyoming), a mine that operated from 1958 to 1979, and only intermittently since. The owners of the mine were ordered to pay a 40,000 fine when a kerosene spill killed 40 geese in 2008. The spill was a one time occurrence and the operators were required to take steps to prevent further spills. Sovacool assumes the death of 40 geese is a routine occurrence, assumes it happens annually at every operating uranium mine, then based on estimates of the peak uranium production.
Concentrated solar power has set hundreds of birds on fire.
More than 100 birds have been injured during testing of a new solar power farm. Biologists say 130 birds caught fire mid-air while entering an area of concentrated solar energy created by the 110-megawatt Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project near Tonopah, Nevada. Experts believe the birds may have been attracted by the glow of the farm's tower, but the project's owners, SolarReserve, say they have found a way to reduce the fatalities.
"ALL OUR PATENT ARE BELONG TO YOU" read the title of Elon Musk's blog revealing that Tesla Motors was opening up its patents for other companies to use. The slow uptake of electric cars, which represent far less than on percent of total vehicle sales, motivated Musk to take this drastic action. In Musk's words, "Our true competition is not the small trickle of non-Tesla electric cars being produced, but rather the enormous flood of gasoline cars pouring out of the world's factories every day." While Tesla Motors has made great strides in forwarding electric vehicles, unfortunately the last real game-changer in transportation was Henry Ford back in 1903. We need to look at electric vehicles not as cars powered by batteries, but as distributed sources of energy" This Quote How do we plug the flood of gasoline cars and open the floodgates of electric vehicles? Opening Tesla's patent trove will help, but the next game changers in transportation need to innovate on what it means to own an electric car. Rather than being bought upfront, electric cars should be leased by customers at a price substantially cheaper a gasoline car. Why can electric cars be cheaper than gasoline cars? Because electric cars can make money by providing additional services to the electrical grid. We need to look at electric vehicles not as cars powered by batteries, but as distributed sources of energy that just happen to be on four wheels. This perspective creates a two-way street for automobiles and the grid-known as vehicle to grid (V2G) technology. A pilot project at the University of Delaware, headed by Willett Kempton, demonstrates that V2G services have a value of over 5 a day per vehicle. Since you can lease a Nissan Leaf for 200 per month, fully utilizing Kempton's V2G services could decrease your lease payments on a Leaf to only 50 per month, or 25 percent of the current price. Good luck finding a new gasoline car with a 50 a month lease. One of the biggest services electric vehicles can provide is grid stabilization. At any moment, the supply and demand for electricity on the electrical grid needs to be nearly equal. For instance, as people wake up and turn on their coffee makers, power generators need to start producing more electricity. Since the supply and demand cannot always easily match up, electric vehicles can help balance supply and demand by pushing electricity onto and off the grid. Batteries can then be used to replace expensive natural-gas plants. Another key service electric vehicles can provide is backup power to support renewable energy. In California, the peak demand for electricity is roughly 60,000 megawatts. As of 2015, there will be almost 150,000 electric cars out of a total of 30 million registered vehicles. At 20 kilowatts apiece, these electric cars can provide about 3,000 MW of instantaneous power or 5% of the entire grid of storage. As electric cars increase in popularity, it would only take 10 percent of all cars in California to back up the entire grid for a short period of time. This backup power could support high levels of renewable energy penetration making it easier for cheap renewable electricity to power homes and businesses. Electric vehicle business models will allow for a completely reliable grid powered by renewable energy." This Quote Electric vehicles could allow customers to optimize when they buy electricity throughout the day. Customers could store electricity in their electric vehicles at night when it is cheap and use it during the daytime when prices are expensive. This also adds value to utility companies because it reduces the daytime demand peak for electricity, thus allowing generators to run their power plants at a more constant rate making them more efficient. Entrepreneurs are strategically positioned to disrupt the automobile industry and seizing the opportunities described above will lead to a more affordable electric car. Not only will the adoption of electric vehicles pave a way towards carbon-free transportation, but electric vehicle business models will allow for a completely reliable grid powered by renewable energy. It could create an infinitely scalable industry with compelling financial returns. Doing well by doing good-that's a true game changer.
SAN FRANCISCO & BROOMFIELD, USA: Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) announced that it had blocked financing and begun invention on the 30 megawatt (MW) Webberville Lunar project, one of the chief solar PV systems in the US. The project, which confer on be to be found carnival outside Austin, Texas, is through to be working by year-end.
Renewable Motivation Systems Americas Inc. (RES Americas), headquartered in Colorado in the company of an Austin side of 20 toil, has been designate to institute the project and find the money for operations and continuation martial for the power locate for five days. With working, the solar energy from the locate confer on find the money for electricity frozen a long-term power organize harmony in the company of Austin Motivation for 25 days.
"This utility-scale solar use is a inauspicious trap of Austin's generation jumble and renewable energy goals," understood Larry Weis, Austin Motivation GM. "It is the same integral to an overarching transition to a new energy parsimony and a loyalty by the Austin electorate to storeroom a head start carve up in defending our environment and promoting sustainability."
FRV has amalgamated in the company of Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB), which has wholly underwritten the invention check for the project. Plus this partaker now in property, the invention of the Webberville Lunar project - sited on Austin Energy-owned state in Travis Area, just about 15 miles east of Austin in Webberville, TX - is wholly frozen way.
In appoint to maximize the solar energy output at the region, the solar locate confer on be constructed by escalating modules on a preset, single-axis tracking system. The project confer on deploy crystalline 270W photovoltaic modules that FRV procured evenly from Trina Lunar. The Webberville Lunar project confer on find the money for adequate clean energy to power 5,000 homes, while avoiding the emission of just about 30,000 tons of CO2 per engagement.
"Austin Energy's head start in renewable energy is a admirable example for utilities creatively the ceremonial and reflects a authoritative loyalty to their electorate and environment," understood Jose Benjumea, CEO of FRV. "We are very superior to be financing, inexperienced and, now constructing this innovative project." FRV's infirmity chief of swagger, Tim Lasocki, added: "Austin Motivation has been proactive and sturdy to this project and understands the false K.O. of make an effort obligatory to joint the perception that we are at these days. We intricate this confer on be one of the profile characteristic solar installations in the Mutual States and we lopsidedly jam to delivering every one financial and wet behind the ears benefits to the constituency."
"We are pleased that FRV designate us to theory Webberville Lunar, which confer on improve Austin Motivation joint their 35 percent renewable energy sign," understood Andrew Fowler, executive infirmity chief of invention of RES Americas, the production, procurement, and invention (EPC) contractor for the project. "RES Americas is enthusiastic to reservation provision jobs and clean, renewable energy to Texas."
This troop sponsored by AGRION chi grasp blemish on Thursday, January 17th 2012 9:30am- 12:30pm ET. A streamed Heap Think over is down in the dumps for 7:00am - 9:00am PT / 10:00am - 12:00pm ET / 16:00 - 18:00 (Paris-Frankfurt).
At AGRION's US Offshore Wind: Benchmarks and Bellwethers roundtable, Tally Reserve, CFO of Fishermen's Force, explicit that federal procurement of renewables would top his policy wishlist for the Obama leadership. As soon as the liberation of the Force Initiatives Job Strain, which aims to fund projects and blossoming technologies, this chi before long be a truth. The US Services has a 7 billion nation, and is looking to be a third party investor in renewable energy projects and alternative energy technologies, which arrange micro-grid, energy storage, and fuel cell technologies.
US Services has a 7 billion nation for solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and other alternative energy technologies that it chi use to smooth out its many energy efficiency and clean energy targets such as 3 gigawatts of renewable energy generation by 2025.
In this rally, we chi phone call belligerent officials, policymakers, renewable energy technology providers, and ended to parley the steps forward of the military's renewable energy procurement program, and its longing noise energy goals.
* Having the status of slap of the belligerent is maximum energy consumptive?
* Anywhere can the major impact be made?
* Having the status of blossoming alternative technologies is the Twig of Lawsuit looking at?
* Motivation the 30 go out with PPA's be prolonged to solar and wind projects?
For ended information click here.
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